1 Ma Kali

Gayatri * Durga * Ganga * Lalita *

Maha Kali - The Devourer of Time

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Maha Kali: Eternity of Time

Objective: To detach from the body consciousness & temporariness of everything, altering into the eternal unborn being.

Maa Kali removes death, fear, black magic, tantra mantra, ghosts, spirits, misfortunes and troubles

Maha Kali worship signifies, relates to die daily,
Altering temporariness into eternal unborn truly.

SHADOW: Comparing and judging, self-righteousness, aggression
LIGHT: Nonviolence PATH: Purity
GRACE: Enables time (past, present future) inquiry & knowing the true Self

काली मंत्र - KALI MANTRA

क्रिंग क्रिंग क्रिंग हींग हरिंग दक्षिणे कालिके
क्रिंग क्रिंग क्रिंग हरिंग हरिंग हंग हंग स्वः


Kali popular among Divine Mother forms be,
Misread for her scary form, death allegories.

Dancing in cremation ground on corpse be,
Which non-other than Lord Shiv is actually.

With every step Ma Kali but dancing clearly,
Destroys the past and the future but dark be,

Being ever reborn in the NOW but repeatedly,
Aggression shadow to nonviolence light truly.

Kali represents time – creation backdrop be,
Related to death, new life and growth closely,

She terrifying and we all ever entangled do be,
Along with whole of creation - in her spell fully.

She but pitch black, evoking dark womb be,
From which creation arises - unbound reality, 

Dark mysterious of space in which cosmos be,
And dark is the future for one and all certainly.

She of dark blue skin, with skull garland be,
With human bones as earrings but frightfully,

With a long, protruding tongue, laughing be,
Tongue replaced at times with fangs intensely.

Remind us of her intention to make us free,
From I-self and self-serving action actually.

. She has four arms, holds a sword bloody,
In other hand a cut head, blood dripping be,

Fear free, blesses, dons skirt of arms clearly,
She is naked as she free from all illusions be.

Shiv in Mahanirvana Tantra describes Kali,
As white, yellow, other hues lost in black be,

In same way all beings enter Goddess Kali,
Liberated, attributeless, formless, black Shakti.

Eternal, endless Kaal, soul of charity nectar be,
So sign of the Moon placed on her forehead be,

Review’s universe, time product, with eyes three,
Moon, Sun, Fire – she with her three eyes be.

She devours all existence, chewing continually,
All things existing with her fierce teeth clearly,

Therefore, a mass of blood is imagined to be,
Apparel of Queen of Devas at dissolution truly.

She protects all beings from danger continually,
As She directs them in the paths of their duty,

Her hands are lifted up to dispel fear totally,
And grant blessings to all her true devotees.

As She encompasses the universe wholly,
Which the product of Rajo Guna does be,

Seated on red lotus, sees Kaal*, drunk be,
Plays with universe, wise, witnesses all fully.
* time

Time is life, life our movement over time be,
Through our Pran* we live the time actually,

Devi Kali as Time the Vital Force does be,
She the power of action, transformation be.
* life force

Kali is life, she the secret power does be,
Behind functioning of our systems bodily,

She is the strength and the vital energy,
It is through her that we live in actuality.

Her intelligent gives amazing order to body,
And even to the whole universe certainly,

Kali, the eternal love, that essence of life be,
Love beyond life, death – eternal nature be.

To realize Kali - that which is the eternity,
Our mortal nature must sacrifice assuredly,

Making space for cosmic, divine nature truly,
Kali douses all desires, ending of desire be.

Kali is Samadhi, she the Nirvana does be,
She death of Death, destructive terrifying be,

She destroys the demons of our mind fully,
Raises awareness of pure consciousness truly.

Ma Kali, Shiv inhabit cremation grounds surely,
Thus, implying the temporary nature of the body,

As against the permanence of the soul clearly,
Devotion helps to destroy the ego of devotee.

Kali most merciful, gives moksha to devotees,
She the destroyers of evil and unreal certainly,

Ma Kali appears wrathful to the egoistic surely,
Else protective, benevolent and affectionate be.

Ma Kali pure, un-manifested energy, Adishakti,
Black, dark blue, womb of all creation does be,

Ma Kali by pure awareness supported eternally,
Provides bliss, liberation, salvation, moksha truly.

Gayatri * Durga * Ganga * Lalita *


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